Perfect Binders - PUR

PUR Perfect Binders are designed specifically for the application of PUR adhesive.

PUR (Polyurethane reactive) glue is the strongest, most flexible binding adhesive available and offers several additional advantages over other binding methods. When inks, coatings or digital print toners are present in the spine area these can compromise the strength of typical hotmelt perfect binding. PUR is resistant to this and will form a super-strong bond with all weights and finishes of paper stocks. In addition PUR works well with synthetic and recycled-content stock.

PUR Binding - Key Benefits

  • PUR bound books typically will give 2.5 – 4 times the page pull strength of an EVA bound book.
  • PUR books will not suffer from temperature or humidity extremes and will remain intact (-40°F to +212°F).
  • A much wider range of materials can be bound using PUR, including recycled stock, digitally printed stock, gloss papers, synthetic papers and much more.
  • A much thinner layer of spine glue can be applied (typically 0.3-0.5mm) giving flexibility and flatter lying books, whilst retaining the page pull strength.
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